Call us now: 0405 508 963
We offer a personalized audiology service. Offering you more time with your hearing specialist. We use state-of-the-art mobile instruments calibrated for use at your home or office.
We offer full audiology services where and when it is convenient for you. We offer the best and most suitable hearing aid solutions possible.
We maintain low overheads so our prices are more affordable compared to normal retail prices.
Our comprehensive hearing assessments are performed by University qualified Audiologists, certified by Audiology Australia. Our assessment includes a comprehensive case history to gain a holistic understanding of each individuals hearing difficulties. We then measure hearing levels, speech understanding and middle ear function.
Results are explained and interpreted, and a report is provided to your GP or ENT.
Here & Hear Audiology are proud to say that we are a fully Independent Hearing Aid Clinic. This means we are not aligned with, or owned by any one manufacturer.
We have access to the latest premium technology from all the leading brands. This means we will give you an unbiased assessment and recommend the most suitable device for each individual.
It is important to remember that you are not only buying a hearing aid, but the experience and expertise of a trained audiologist to help you get the most out of your device.
We offer a holistic and individualized approach to treating tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears). We are able to recommend suitable management options, including counseling, education and sound generators.
We are qualified and certified Audiologists who go above and beyond offering comprehensive diagnostics, hearing aids, treatments and a personalized touch to give you the very best outcomes possible.
Any musician, singer or enthusiast would benefit from having a custom molded set of In-Ear-Monitors (IEM).
We cater to Australia's leading musicians who have been in the entertainment industry for decades to people just starting to make a name for themselves.
We are also partnered with Ultimate Ears to provide the professional musician with the best IEM products.
We provide custom impression of your ear canal (by inserting a mixture of material into your ear to take an impression).
Custom Musician's earplugs are an excellent option for people wanting a more comfortable fit compared to generic fit plugs.
Some people produce more ear wax than others. Other people are more prone to have more wax building up in their ears. These include using cotton buds, wearing hearing aids, have narrow or hairy ear canals.
Some common symptoms include hearing loss, feeling fullness in ears, tinnitus, itching, pain or discharge in the ears.
It is recommended that you visit your pharmacy and use a wax softener for 3 nights before having it removed by one of our trained professionals.
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